The portable shack and antenna were easy to set up. I put the station on the air early afternoon on 9/2/01. I called CQ on 20M CW and got no responses. There weren't many stations on the band, so I gave up until later in the afternoon. I then called CQ and got a call back from an AA9. I lost him in the QSB, so I went back to calling CQ. I tried awhile and gave up. Just as I was ready to turn off the transceiver, I hear, "AC4XO/QRP/P de S54X". I was in business!
During the operation, I worked 20M CW exclusively (at 2 or 3 watts), and most of the stations I worked were Europeans. The best QSO was with G4AYR/QRP, Terry. His rig was a K2. Band conditions were good, and we had a nice QSO.
Finally, you can't go to the beach just to ham, so I took some time to
visit the mothership.
Benjy, AC4XO